Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2023.06, '台灣媒體報導新冠肺炎假訊息危機:混合法分析科技防疫之 個資、隱私、資安議題 (Taiwanese Media reporting COVID-19 disinformation crisis: A mixed method study of technological epidemic prevention regarding health personal data, privacy and security issues), ' 中華傳播學刊 (Chinese Journal of Communication), Vol.43, pp.245-286..(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2023.01, '社交媒體機器人應用於台灣數據導向選戰之初探性研究(Investigating socialbot campaigns in Taiwanese data- driven elections), ' 傳播研究與實踐 (Journal of Communication Research & Practice), Vol.13, No.1, pp.115-148.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2022.09, 'Nomopobia and phubbing: Examining affective smartphone communication and family cohesion among youths, ' Behaviour & Information Technology, pp.1-15.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2022.03, 'Online opinions, sentiments and news framing of the first nuclear referendum in Taiwan: A mix-method approach, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.32, No.2, pp.152-173.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Tasi, C., 2022.03, 'Taking stock of social-political polarization in Asia: Political communication, social media and digital governance, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.32, No.2, pp.71-74.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Liew, K. K.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Theng, T. L., 2020.12, 'Skeuomorphic domestic Television’s analogue divide: Television and social stratification in Singapore, ' Television and New Media, Vol.21, No.7, pp.730-748.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Bautista, J.R.*;Core, R., 2020.06, 'Seniors and mobiles: A qualitative inquiry of mHealth adoption among Singapore seniors, ' Informatics for Health & Social Care, Vol.45, No.4, pp.360-373.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Kwanda, F.;Lin, T. T. C.(林翠絹), 2020.05, 'Fake news practices in Indonesian newsrooms during and after the Palu earthquake: A Hierarchy-of-Influences approach, ' Information, Communication and society, Vol.23, No.6, pp.849-866..(SSCI)
Bautista, J.R*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Theng, Y. L., 2020.01, 'The influence of organizational issues on nurse administrators’ support of smartphones for work purposes in the Philippines: A focus group study., ' JMIR Nursing, Vol.3, No.1, pp.00.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Kononova, A.;Chiang, Y., 2020.01, 'Screen addiction and media multitasking among American and Taiwanese users, ' Journal of Computer Information Systems., Vol.60, No.6, pp.00.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiang, Y., 2019.10, 'Bridging social capital matters to Social TV viewing: Investigating impact of social constructs on program loyalty, ' Telematics and Informatics, Vol.43, pp.1-12.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2019.09, 'Motivation and trust: How dual screening influences offline civic engagement among Taiwanese Internet users, ' International Journal of Communication, pp.4663-4681.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2019.08, 'Communicating haze crisis online: Comparing traditional news reports and new media voices in Singapore, ' Environmental Communication, Vol.13, pp.864-878.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2019.02, 'Multiscreen social TV system: A mixed method understanding of user attitude and adoption intention, ' International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol.35, No.2, pp.99-108.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Trisha T. C. Lin (林翠絹)*, 2019.01, 'Why do people watch multiscreen videos and use dual screening? Investigating users’ polychronicity, media multitasking motivation and media repertoire, ' International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol.35, No.18, pp.1672-1680.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Li, L*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2019.01, 'Smartphones at work: A qualitative exploration of psychological antecedents and impacts of work-related smartphone dependency, ' International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Vol.18, pp.1-12.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Bautista, J.R.*;Rosenthal, S. B.;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Theng, Y. L., 2018.12, 'Predictors and outcomes of nurses' use of smartphones for work purposes, ' Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.84, pp.360-374.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Li, L.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2018.10, 'Examining how dependence on smartphones at work relates to Chinese employees’ workplace social capital, job performance, and smartphone addiction., ' Information Development, Vol.34, No.5, pp.289-503.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Bautista, J. R. R*, 2018.03, 'How do content-related factors influence perceived value of location-based mobile advertising?, ' Journal of Computer Information Systems, pp.00.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2018.01, 'Digital first newsroom: Analyzing journalism convergence and transformation of The Straits Times’ online news practices (數位優先新聞室: 海峽時報網路新聞匯流與轉型分析), ' 傳播與社會學刊 (Communication & Society), Vol.43, pp.73-102.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Bautista, J. R. R*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2017.12, 'Nurses’ use of mobile instant messaging applications: A uses and gratifications perspective, ' International Journal of Nursing Practice, Vol.23, No.5, pp.e12577.(ISI, IF 1.018)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C.(林翠絹)*;Chiang, Y., 2017.11, 'Investigating predictors of smartphone dependency symptoms and effects on academic performance, improper phone use and perceived sociability, ' International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol.15, No.6, pp.655-676.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T.C. (林翠絹)*;Chiang, Y, 2017.06, 'Dual screening use: Examining social predictors and impact on online and offline political participation among Taiwanese Internet users, ' Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol.61, No.2, pp.240-263.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Bautista, J. R. R, 2017.03, 'Understanding the relationships between mHealth apps' characteristics, trialability, and mHealth literacy, ' Journal of Health Communication, Vol.22, No.4, pp.346-354.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Hong, Y.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2017.03, 'The Impacts of political socialization on people’s online and offline political participation—Taking the youth of Singapore as an example, ' Advances in Journalism and Communication, Vol.5, pp.50-70.(*為通訊作者)
Paragas, F.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2016.12, 'Organizing and reframing technological determinism, ' New Media and Society, Vol.18, No.8, pp.1528-1546.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Bautista, J. R. R*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2016.11, 'Sociotechnical analysis of nurses' use of personal mobile phones at work, ' International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol.95, pp.71-80.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Li, L.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2016.10, 'Exploring work-related smartphone dependency among young working adults in China: A qualitative approach, ' International Journal of Communication, pp.00.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Shin, W.*;Lin, T. T. C. 林翠絹, 2016.10, 'Who avoids Location-based advertising and why? Investigating the relationship between user perceptions and advertising avoidance, ' Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.63, pp.444-452.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Li, L.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2016.09, 'Examining Weibo posting anxiety among well-educated youth in China: A qualitative approach, ' Information Development, Vol.32, No.4, pp.641-646.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Bautista, J. R., 2016.07, 'Predicting intention to take protective measures during haze:The roles of efficacy, threat, media trust, and affective attitude, ' Journal of Health Communication, Vol.21, No.7, pp.790-799.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Li, L.*;Bautista, J. R., 2016.07, 'Examining how communication and knowledge relate to Singaporean youth's perceived risk of haze and intentions to take preventive behaviors, ' Health Communication, Vol.32, No.6, pp.749-758.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Oranop, C., 2016.07, 'Responding to convergence: Regulating multiscreen television services in Thailand, ' Telematics & Informatics, Vol.33, pp.722-732.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Paragas, F.;Bautista, J. R. R., 2016.04, 'Determinants of mobile consumers’ perceived value of location-based mobile advertising and user responses, ' International Journal of mobile communications, Vol.14, No.2, pp.99-117.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Paragas, F.;Goh, D.;Bautista, J. R., 2016.04, 'Developing emerging location-based mobile advertising in Singapore: A socio-technical perspective. Technological Forecast and Social Change, ' Technological Forecast and Social Change, Vol.103, pp.334-349.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Bautista, J. R. R*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2015.11, 'Tweeting social support messages after a Non-celebrity’s death: The case of the Philippine’s #Fallen44, ' Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Vol.18, No.11, pp.641-646.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiang, Y.;Jiang, C., 2015.08, 'Sociable people beware? Investigating smartphone vs. non-smartphone dependency symptoms among young Singaporeans, ' Social Behavior and Personality, Vol.43, No.7, pp.1209-1216.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Cui, D.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2015.07, 'Professional intervention and organizational incorporation: Examining journalistic use of microblogs in two Chinese newsrooms, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.25, No.4, pp.354-370.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2015.03, 'Online political participation and attitudes: Analyzing election user-generated videos in 2011 Singapore General Election, ' Communication Research & Practice, Vol.1, No.2, pp.131-146.(*為通訊作者)
Hong, Y. H.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Ang, P. H., 2015.01, 'Innovation resistance of political websites and blogs among Internet users in Singapore, ' Journal of Comparative Asian Development, Vol.14, No.1, pp.110-136.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Jung, Y.;Sim. C., 2015.01, 'Towards an understanding of intention to use mobile videos: Impression management, perceived facilitation, and social norms, ' Mobile Media and Communication, Vol.3, No.1, pp.106-124.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Zhou, S.;Cui, D., 2014.11, 'Content characteristics of IPTV: Analysis of sensationalism, localism, and interactivity, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.24, No.6, pp.549-566.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiu, V. C., 2014.07, 'Investigating adopter categories and determinants affecting the adoption of mobile television in China, ' China Media Research, Vol.10, No.3, pp.74-86.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2014.05, 'Changes of journalistic practices and workflow in integrated television newsrooms: A multiple case study of early adopters in Taiwan, ' Journal of Communications Management, Vol.15, No.1, pp.1-28.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Li, L., 2014.04, 'Perceived characteristics, perceived popularity, and playfulness: Youth adoption of mobile instant messaging in China, ' China Media Research, Vol.10, No.2, pp.60-71.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2013.11, 'A study of political blogs in Singapore: Characteristics, interactivities, and relational maintenance, ' Journal of Communication and Culture, Vol.12, pp.74-114.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2013.09, 'Convergence and regulation of multi-screen television: The Singapore Experience. Telecommunications Policy, ' Telecommunications Policy, Vol.37, No.8, pp.673-685.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2012.11, 'Market competitiveness of mobile TV industry in China, ' Telecommunications Policy, Vol.26, pp., 26, 943-954.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2012.06, 'Cross-platform framing and cross-cultural adaptation: Examining elephant conservation in Thailand, ' Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, Vol.6, No.2, pp.193-211.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Hendriks Vettehen*;Zhou, S.;MariskaKleemans;leend'haenens,;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2012.04, 'Competitive pressure and arousing Television news: A cross-cultural study, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.22, No.2, pp.179-196.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2012.01, 'Prospect of mobile broadcasting TV in China: Socio-technical analysis of CMMB development, ' Chinese Journal of Communication, Vol.5, No.1, pp.88-108.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chiu, C. H.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2012.01, 'National competitive advantage and cultural proximity: Comparison study of digital content industries in China and Taiwan, ' Journal of Media and Communication Studies, Vol.4, No.1, pp.1-10.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2011.07, 'Health communication of an alternative medical therapy: Analyzing knowledge and persuasion of Reiki healing, ' Journal of Information & Communication, Vol.8, pp.21-52.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiu, V. C.;Lim, W., 2011.06, 'Factors affecting the adoption of Social Network Sites: Examining four adopter categories of Singapore’s working adults, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.21, No.3, pp.221-242.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Zhou, S.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Zhang, C., 2011.04, 'Commercialization and sensationalism: comparison of television news in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan(商業化與煽情新聞:中國大陸香港台灣電視新聞比較研究), ' Chinese Media Report Overseas, Vol.7, No.2, pp.1-11.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Liu, Y. L., 2011.02, 'The Development of mobile broadcasting TV: A social-technical comparison of Singapore and Taiwan, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.21, No.1, pp.4-24.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Sun, S. H. L., 2010.01, 'Connection as a form of resisting control: foreign domestic workers’ mobile phone use in Singapore, ' Media Asia, Vol.37, No.4, pp.183-192.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2010.01, 'How cultural and linguistic pluralism shape humor? Social construction of Singapore’s humor industry, ' Intercultural Communication Studies, Vol.19, No.1, pp.60-77.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2010.01, 'TV blogging: A multiple case study of blog management in Taiwan, ' Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society, Vol.18, pp.275-306.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2010.01, 'The Gordian Knot of Singapore’s mobile TV policy, ' Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology, Vol.5, No.1, pp.11-21.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2009.07, 'Exploring mobile TV trials in Singapore: An analysis of stakeholders and market competitiveness, ' Journal of Information & Communication, Vol.6, pp.15-35.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2004.01, 'The integration of Internet and satellite: An analysis of era digital media’s strategy (網際網路與直播衛星的媒合:探討年代電通發展數位互動平台之策略), ' Journal of Information & Communication, Vol.1, pp.67-121..(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2004.01, 'The initial stage of interactive digital TV in Taiwan (台灣數位互動電視市場導入期之探討), ' Journal of Communications Management, Vol.5, No.2, pp.49-68.(*為通訊作者)
Jao, P. C.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2024.09, 'The Development of the 'Taiwanese ChatGPT': Exploring Public Opinion and TAIDE AdoptionThe Development of the 'Taiwanese ChatGPT': Exploring Public Opinion and TAIDE Adoption, ' 2024 International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies2024 International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Oktavianus, J., 2024.07, 'Understanding inadvertent sharing of deepfakes: A study on socialization, self-presentation, and subjective norms, ' The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference 2024, International Association for Media & Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Putrav, R. O. N., 2024.06, 'Deepfake engagement and mitigation strategies: A systematic review of human-machine communication studies, ' 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Huang, T. Y., 2024.06, 'How perceived characteristics of socialbots shape users' anthropomorphic perceptions, trust, and intent to use: An empirical investigation, ' 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Putra, R. O. N*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2024.06, 'Generative AI technologies and new media content creation education: A mixed-method qualitative research, ' 24th Biennial Conference of International Telecommunications Society, International Telecommunications Society.(*為通訊作者)
Minh, N. C.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2024.06, 'Integrating Generative AI into new media content creation education: A mixed-method qualitative research, ' International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Screen Industries in the Asia Pacific, University of New South Wales.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2024.06, 'Harnessing Generative AI for Media Innovations: A Case Study of AI Anchor and Automated News in Taiwan, ' International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Screen Industries in the Asia Pacific, University of New South Wales.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chen, K.;Hu, T. Y., 2024.01, 'COVID-19 health misinformation content analysis and fact-checking practices in Taiwan, ' 2024 Pacific Telecommunications Council, Pacific Telecommunications Council.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Oktavianus, J.;Esther H. T. Heng, 2023.08, 'Alleviating Coronavirus disinformation: Examining influences of social media (dis)information efficacy, critical social media post, and health literacy on preventive measures and vaccination, ' 2023 Association of Education of Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Association of Education of Journalism and Mass Communication.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Oktavianus, J., 2023.06, 'Health misinformation, ideology polarization, and digital literacy in Taiwan, ' 2023 International Association for Media & Communication Research annual conference, International Association for Media & Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Jao, P. C., 2023.04, 'Understanding factors affecting the relationship between socialbots’ anthropomorphism and user trust among Taiwanese social media users, ' 2023 Broadcast Education Association, Broadcast Education Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Putra, R. O. N, 2023.01, 'Understanding social media echo chamber, socialbots and trust: Theory of Planned Behavior perspectives, ' 2023 Pacific Telecommunications Council, Pacific Telecommunications Council.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2022.06, 'Investigating the relationship of disguised socialbots and disinformation threat in Taiwan, ' International Telecommunication Society Conference, International Telecommunication Society.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2022.06, '台灣數位身分證實施爭議: 以社會科技系統論分析智慧治理 (Controversial digital eID implementation in Taiwan: Social-technical system analyses of smart governance), '.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Li, S.;Bautista, J. R. R., 2022.05, 'Examining socialbot use, disinformation interaction and risk attitude in the extended parallel process model, ' Hybrid 72nd Annual International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Hu, T. Y., 2022.01, 'COVID-19 pandemics and disinformation issues in Taiwan: Analyses on YouTube videos, ' 2022 Pacific Telecommunications Council, Pacific Telecommunications Council.(*為通訊作者)
Lee, Z.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2021.11, '5G 時代 OTT 科技創新:擴增實境科技與網路影音應用 (5G technologies and OTT innovation: TV augmented reality applications in online video industry), ' 台灣資訊社會研究學會年會 (2020 Annual Conference of Taiwan Academy for Information Society), 國立陽明交通大學.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2021.06, 'Socialbot representations on cross-media platforms during 2020 Taiwanese Presidential Election: A big data research, ' International Telecommunication Society Biennial Conference, International Telecommunication Society.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiu, P. J;Lin, Y. Y., 2021.06, '台灣媒體報導新冠肺炎公衛危機新聞框架:個資、隱私及資安議題分析 (Taiwanese media news framing of Covid-19 public health crisis: Analyses of personal data, privacy and security issues)., ' 中華傳播學會年會 (Chinese Communication Society Annual Conference), Chinese Communication Soceity.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Szeto, S., 2021.05, 'Socialbots, political computational propaganda, and disinformation in Taiwan: A social-technical system analysis, ' 71st International Communication Association Annual Conference, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Shin, W.;Tam, L., 2021.05, 'Location-based mobile advertising, benefit-cost assessment, and advertising skepticism among Taiwanese mobile consumers, ' 71st International Communication Association Annual Conference, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2020.11, 'Taiwan video industry, artificial Intelligence, media innovations (當台灣影音產業遇上AI媒體創新), ' Annual Conference of Taiwan Academy for Information Society (台灣資訊社會研究學會年會), Annual Conference of Taiwan Academy for Information Society.(*為通訊作者)
:Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2020.10, 'Early development of 5G-enabled immersive media innovations in Taiwan., ' 2020 Taiwan Academic Network Conference, Taiwan Academic Network Conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C (林翠絹)*;Wang, J. Y., 2020.09, 'Socialbots and disinformation in political domains: A systematic literature review, ' 2020 E-Society International Conference, Sun Yet Sen University.(*為通訊作者)
Zhou, C. W*;Lin, T. T. C.(林翠絹), 2020.07, 'Why people continuously use gamified charitable crowdfunding applications in China: A mixed-method approach, ' International Association of Media and Communication Research Conference, International Association of Media and Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2020.06, '台灣OTT創新經營與轉型: 以公視+與Yahoo TV為例, ' 5G、OTT、匯流研討會, 元智大學.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹 (Lin, T. T. C.)*;Wang, J. Y., 2020.06, '社交媒體機器人在政治宣傳及科技選戰之運用:以臺灣選舉為例. (Using social bots in political campaigns and elections in Taiwan), ' 2020中華傳播學會年會 (Chinese Communication Society Annual Conference), Chinese Communication Society.(*為通訊作者)
Kao, C.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2020.05, 'Exploring partisan slant of online news framing: A Semantic Network Analysis on an energy referendum issue in Taiwan, ' 70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, International Communication Association Conference.(*為通訊作者)
Kwanda, F.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2020.05, 'Combating fake news in Indonesia: Exploring the practices of third-party fact-checker: Investigating the practices of fact-checking of fake news in Indonesia, ' 70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, 70th Annual International Communication Association Conference.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2020.05, 'Nomopobia and phubbing among Taiwanese emerging adults: Investigating affective smartphone use and family cohesion, ' International Communication Association, 70th Annual International Communication Association Conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Wang, J. Y., 2020.04, 'Socialbots in Taiwanese elections: Platform transience and government policy for democracy, ' Interdisciplinary Conference on Advances in Communication and Information Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa.(*為通訊作者)
Kwanda, F*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2019.10, 'Fake news during natural disaster: Information flow, news practices and fact-checking in Indonesia, ' Association of Internet Researchers Conference, Association of Internet Researchers Conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2019.10, 'Sam-sex marriage referendum in Taiwan: Understanding socially mediated activism, fake news and social media trust, ' Association of Internet Researchers Conference, Association of Internet Researchers Conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2019.10, 'News framing and sentiment analysis of Go Green with Nuclear during 2018 Taiwanese referendum, ' 1st International Conference at Taiwanese Institute for Governance and Communication Research, Taiwanese Institute for Governance and Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiang, Y., 2019.05, 'How do Social TV engagement dimensions influence viewers’ program commitment and loyalty, ' 69th Annual International Communication Association Conference, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Oktavianus, J.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2019.05, 'When terrorists attack: Examining Indonesians’ crisis response communication process and media use, ' 69th Annual International Communication Association Conference, International Communication Association Conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2019.01, 'Taiwanese broadcasters’ competitive advantages in developing OTT platforms and harnessing user data: A case of Public Broadcasting Television Service Plus., ' 2019 Pacific Telecommunications Council, Pacific Telecommunications Council.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2018.08, 'Dual screening use and civic engagement in Taiwan, ' Communication, Culture and Governance in China and East Asia Symposium, University of Queensland Technology.(*為通訊作者)
Davidson, B.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2018.06, 'To Knee or not to knee: An examination of Twitter visual content during the 2017 NFL national anthem protests in the United States, ' 22nd Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, International Telecommunication Society.(*為通訊作者)
Oktavianus, J.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2018.06, 'Dual screening and crisis communication: Exploring Indonesians’ motivations to use dual screening during a terrorist attack, ' 2018 Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, International Association for Media and Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2018.05, 'Understanding Social TV user commitment: Motivations and engagement types matter!, ' International Communication Association 2018, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T, T. C. (林翠絹)*; Chiang, Y., 2018.05, 'The mediating effect of perceived trust on privacy concern and intention to use app-based location-based mobile advertising: Evidence from Taiwan, ' International Communication Association 2018, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Li, L.*;Lin, T, T. C. (林翠絹), 2018.05, 'Examining factors influencing smartphone addiction among organizational workers in China, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Bautista, J.R.*;Rosenthal, S. B.;Lin, T, T. C. (林翠絹);Theng, Y. L., 2018.05, 'Predictors and outcomes of nurses’ use of personal mobile phones for work purposes (Mobile Communication Top Paper), ' International Communication Association 2018, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Bautista, J.R.*;Rosenthal, S. B.;Lin, T, T. C. (林翠絹);Theng, Y. L., 2018.05, 'Mobile Phones for Clinical Work Scale – Nurses (MPCWS-N): Development and psychometric evaluation, ' International Communication Association 2018, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Chua, S*;Goh, D;Lin, T, T. C. (林翠絹), 2018.05, 'News convergence in legacy media organisations and online news start-ups, ' International Communication Association 2018, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Liew, K. K.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2017.11, 'Televisual Skeuomorphism: A Case Study of Television in Singapore’s Households. 2nd International Conference on Communication and Media Studies, ' 2nd International Conference on Communication and Media Studies, University of British Columbia.(*為通訊作者)
Chiang, Y*;Lin, T. T. C ( 林翠絹);Huang, T., 2017.11, 'Youth use of Line to connect with parents: Examining technological benefits/cost and family coherence(青少年使用LINE與父母聯繫之益處與成本及家庭凝聚力之關聯性研究), ' Taiwan Academy of Information Society (台灣資訊社會研究學會), Taiwan Academy of Information Society.(*為通訊作者)
Oktavianus, J,*;Oviedo, H.;Gonzales, W.;Putri, A. P.;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2017.06, 'Why Taiwanese young adults don’t jump on the bandwagon of Pokémon Go? Exploring barriers of innovation resistance, ' International Telecommunications Society Kyoto 2017, International Telecommunications Society.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*; Chiang, Y., 2017.05, 'Why do we use second screen devices? Predictors of dual screening and effects on online and offline political participation among Taiwanese Internet users, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Liew, K. K.;Tanhehco, C., 2017.05, 'Second screening and online political participation among Singaporean youth: A qualitative approach, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Li, L.*;Lin, T, T. C. (林翠絹), 2017.05, 'Work-related smartphone dependency among young working adults in China: An examination of dependency relations and their antecedents., ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2017.02, 'Using big data in communication Research: Examining user generated opinions on social issues, ' Big Data in Asian Society Workshop, Nanyang Technological University.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2017.01, 'The impact of digital first and journalism convergence on changing newsroom practices: A case study of The Straits Times in Singapore, ' Impact of Digital Technologies on Journalism Workshop, Chinese University of Hong Kong.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chua, K. M. S. T., 2016.11, 'A comparison study of multimedia convergence on news websites in Singapore: Analyzing digital video strategies, workflow, and collaboration, ' Impact of New Media Development on Audiovisual Industry Forum, Media Management Organization.(*為通訊作者)
Li, L.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2016.08, 'Exploring the roles of social anxiety, self-efficacy, and job stress on Chinese workers’ smartphone addiction, ' Association for Education in Journalism, Media, and Communication, Association for Education in Journalism, Media, and Communication.(*為通訊作者)
Chua, K.M. S. T.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2016.07, 'When online news embraces professional videos: Examining a newspapers' changing journalistic practices and news presentation strategies, ' Euromedia: The European Conference on Media and Mass Communication, The European Conference on Media and Mass Communication.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Yeo, T. H.,;Chiang, Y., 2016.07, 'Understanding active second screen users’ motivations, user patterns and engagement, ' International Association of Media and Communication Research, Leicester, United Kingdom, International Association of Media and Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Liew, K. K.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Theng, T. L., 2016.07, 'Family Time: The New Socio-Digital Divide in Television, ' Film & Media, Film & Media.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiang, Y.;Bautista, J.R.;Teo, W., 2016.06, 'Understanding multiscreen video consumption: Examining viewers' media multitasking motivations, polychronic tendency and media repertoire, ' International Telecommunication Society Biennial Conference, International Telecommunication Society.(*為通訊作者)
Li, L.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2016.06, 'Understanding the symptoms and psychological antecedents of smartphone addiction among young working adults in China, ' International Telecommunication Society Biennial Conference, International Telecommunication Society.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Kononova., A.;Chiang, Y., 2016.06, 'Exploring the relationships of media multitasking on screen device addiction among Internet users in the United States and Taiwan, ' 2016 International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Bautista, J.R.;Chiang, Y.;Quek, R. A., 2016.06, 'Examining perceived value of location-based mobile advertising applications among Taiwanese smartphone users, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Liang, Z.;Chiang, Y., 2016.06, 'Understanding the relationships of Weibo TV viewing and media Engagement in China, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Bautista, J. R. R.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2016.06, 'A sociotechnical analysis of staff nurses' use of personal mobile phones at work: Perspectives from the Philippines. Paper presented for presentation, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Wen, Y.;Thong, Y. J., 2016.04, 'Understanding user experiences of a multiscreen social TV system: A mix-method study, ' 2016 Broadcast & Education Association, Broadcast & Education Association.
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiang, Y.;Liew, K. K.;Bautista, J.R.;Teo, W, 2016.04, 'How sociability and social presence influence viewers’ bridging social capital and program loyalty, ' Broadcast & Education Association, Broadcast & Education Association.(*為通訊作者)
Liang, Z.;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Chiang, Y., 2015.07, 'Sociability, social presence and media engagement: examining Weibo user behavior for TV viewing in China, ' International Association of Media and Communication Research, International Association of Media and Communication Research.
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Liang, Z..;Chiang, Y, 2015.07, 'Examining predictors for media engagement of using TV-related Weibo and Chinese user behavior, ' International Telecommunication Society, International Telecommunication Society.
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Bautista, J. R., 2015.07, 'Predictors of perceived value in location-based advertising and consumer attitudes: Affective attitude, use intention, and consumer response, ' International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies, International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Bautista, J. R., 2015.05, 'Investigating determinants affecting triability of mHealth apps and youth’s mHealth literacy, ' 2015 International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Bautista, J. R, 2015.05, 'Examining the roles of efficacy, threat, and media trust: The case of haze pollution in Singapore, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Shin, W.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2015.03, 'Perceptual and attitudinal factors affecting consumers’ avoidance of location-based mobile advertising, ' American Academy of Advertising Conference, American Academy of Advertising Conference.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2014.10, 'Understanding symptoms and impacts of smartphone dependency among adolescents in Singapore, '.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Core, R., 2014.10, 'Technological adoption and anxiety: mHealth and aging population in Singapore, ' International Communication Association regional conference, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Li, L., 2014.08, 'Investigating Weibo posting anxiety among well-educated youths in China, ' Association Education of Journalism and Media Communication Conference, Association Education of Journalism and Media Communication Conference.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2014.08, 'A model of mobile dependency: Exploring relationships between psychological attributes, mobile phone activities, dependency symptoms and usage, '.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiang, Y.;Bautista, J. R. R., 2014.07, 'A model of mobile dependency: Exploring relationships between psychological attributes, mobile phone activities, dependency symptoms and usage, ' International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies, International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies.(*為通訊作者)
Bautista, J. R. R*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Goh, D.;Bautista, J. R., 2014.05, 'Examining consumer acceptance of location based mobile advertising: Affective attitude, use intention, and consumer response, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Tan, H. J. S., 2014.03, 'Public opinions about haze crisis in Singapore: Traditional media news vs. new media voices, ' International Conference on Media Impact and Public Opinion Representation, ShiH Hsin University.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2013.11, 'Youth adoption of mobile instant messaging in China, ' International Communication Association Regional conference, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Chiang, Y.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2013.08, 'Impact of various online media on television audience ratings of idol dramas, ' International Telecommunications Society 6th Africa-Asia-Australia Regional conference, International Telecommunications Society.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2013.08, 'Examining socio-technical development of multi-screen TV in Thailand, '.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Oranop, C., 2013.08, 'Examining socio-technical development of multi-screen TV in Thailand, ' International Telecommunications Society 6th Africa-Asia-Australia Regional conference, International Telecommunication Society.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Ho, K. K., 2013.08, 'How location matters to advertising? Market competitiveness of location-based advertising in Singapore., ' International Telecommunications Society 6th Africa-Asia-Australia Regional conference, International Telecommunication Society.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Cui, D., 2013.08, 'Changes in news-making after implementing the integrated newsroom: A longitudinal study, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiang, Y.;Jiang, C., 2013.06, 'Examining mobile dependency and sociability among young users in Singapore, ' International Association of Media and Communication Research, International Association of Media and Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Wang, Y.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2013.06, 'Understanding mobile dating: self-presentation, self-disclosure and location awareness, ' Understanding mobile dating: self-presentation, self-disclosure and location awareness. Paper presented at 2013 International Association of Media and Communication Research, International Association of Media and Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Bautista, J. R.;Paragas, F. D. C.;Tan, M, 2013.06, 'Drivers and challenges of evolving location based advertising in Singapore, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2012.12, 'Exploring the adoption of mobile broadcasting television among young users in China, '.(*為通訊作者)
Tan, M.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2012.11, 'Exploring the organizational adoption of cloud computing in Singapore, ' International Telecommunication Society Regional Conference, 2012 International Telecommunication Society.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Lim, X., 2012.07, 'User generated videos in 2011 Singapore’s Generation Election, ' Chinese Communication Society (中華傳播學會), Chinese Communication Society (中華傳播學會).(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T.T. C.(林翠絹)*;Lee, P.;Venkataraman, S., 2012.06, 'How gender and relationship stages differ in the use of smartphone for romantic relationship maintenance, ' International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies, Yuan Ze University.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C.(林翠絹)*;ee, P.;Venkataraman, S., 2012.05, 'Exploring smartphone use and romantic relationship maintenance in Singapore, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T.T. C.(林翠絹)*;Chiu, C. H., 2012.05, 'A study of Chinese Television market entry modes: The relationship between Taiwanese firms and human broadcasting system, ' 2012 International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Cui, D.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2012.05, 'How does microblogging shape traditional newsmaking? Examining two newspapers in China, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Cui, D.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2012.05, 'Will microblogging affect Chinese journalists' professional identity?, ' 0th Chinese Internet Research Conference, University of Southern California.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Hong, Y., 2011.11, 'Youth, new media, and political participation in the election., ' Impact of New Media on General Election 2011 conference, National University of Singapore.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Cui, D., 2011.07, 'Sensationalism, localism, and interactivity: understanding IPTV content strategy, ' International Association of Media and Communication Research, International Association of Media and Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Hong, Y., 2011.07, 'Mobile TV adoption and content preferences: perceptions of Internet users in Singapore, ' International Association of Media and Communication Research, International Association of Media and Communication Research.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2011.06, 'Media fusion and future TV: examining multi-screen TV convergence in Singapore, ' 2011 International Telecommunications Society, International Telecommunications Society.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Han, S. Q., 2011.05, 'Will CMMB mobile broadcasting TV bloom in China?, ' International Communication Association conference, International Communication Association conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Jung, Y.;Sim, C., 2011.05, 'Understanding mobile video use in Singapore: Theory of planned behavior and social norms perspectives, ' 2011 International Communication Association conference, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2011.01, 'Convergent and regulatory challenges for three-screen TV in Singapore, ' 2011 Pacific Telecommunications Council, Pacific Telecommunications Council.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2010.08, 'Marketing sensationalism: A comparison of television news in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, '.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Lee, B.;Lim, S., 2010.07, 'Interactivity and relational maintenance: Examining political blogs in Singapore, ' 2010 International Association of Media and Communication Research conference, International Association of Media and Communication Research conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2010.06, 'Exploring the development of CMMB mobile broadcasting TV in China: A socio-technical perspective, ' 18th Biennial conference 2010 International Telecommunications Society, International Telecommunications Society.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Sun, S. H. L., 2010.06, 'Connection vs. control: mobile phone usage of foreign domestic workers in Singapore, ' 2010 International Communication Association conference, International Communication Association conference.
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2010.06, 'The converging regulatory challenges of IPTV and mobile TV in Singapore, ' 2010 International Communication Association conference, Singapore., International Communication Association conference.(*為通訊作者)
Hong, Y. H.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2010.06, 'Political campaigning in cyberspace: Innovation resistance among Internet users in Singapore, ' 19th Asian Media Information and Communication conference, Asian Media Information and Communication Center.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2010.02, 'Managing the implementation of integrated newsroom: A longitudinal study of MediaCorp news in Singapore, ' 2010 European Media Management Association conference, European Media Management Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Lim, W.;Chiu. C. H., 2009.09, 'Adopt or Not? Differences among Users and nonusers of social network sites, ' 2009 International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies, conference, Kumamoto Gakuen University.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2009.07, 'Coping with shifts in workflow and news practices after adopting integrated TV newsrooms, ' Journalism in the 21st Century: Between Globalization and National Identity conference, University of Melbourne.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2009.06, 'Emerging mobile TV industry in Singapore: A six forces model analysis, ' 2009 Pacific Telecommunications Council, Pacific Telecommunications Council.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2009.05, 'Implementing digital television newsrooms: Strategies, mediation activities, and innovation responses, ' 2009 International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Liu, Y. L., 2009.05, 'Comparison of mobile TV in Singapore and Taiwan: A social-technical system approach, ' 2009 International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2009.04, 'Impact of digital television newsrooms: Multiskilling of journalistic practices in Singapore and Taiwan, ' The Changing World of International News in the 21st Century: The Impact of Digital Technology conference, Hong Kong Baptist University.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2008.07, 'Organizational adoption of core production ICT: TV news digitalization in Singapore, ' 2008 International Association of Media and Communication Research conference., International Association of Media and Communication Research conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Chiu, C. H., 2008.05, 'Corporate blogging beyond publicity: A multiple case study of early adopters in TV context, ' 2008 International Communication Association conference, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
Davidson, E.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2007.07, 'Tech Blogging: A discourse-based exploration of the emergence of a virtual community and its elite, ' 2007 Academy of Management Conference, Academy of Management.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2006.07, 'ICT Adoption in organization: A case study of TV news digitalization in Taiwan, ' 26th International Association of Media and Communication Research conference, International Association of Media and Communication Research conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2005.07, 'Transiting from an analog past to a digital future: The social construction of digital television, ' 25th International Association of Media and Communication Research conference, Taipei, Taiwan., International Association of Media and Communication Research conference.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2005.07, 'Digital dreams and blues: Transition of digital TV in Australia, ' 11th International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies conference, International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Guo, Y., 2022.09, 'Data innovations and digital democracy: Covid-19 Technological epidemic prevention and digital governance in Taiwan, ' Data Security, Privacy and Innovation Capability in Asia: Case Studies, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, pp.267-310.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2020.08, '台灣OTT TV 創新與轉型: 公視+與Yahoo TV個案分析 (Taiwanese OTT TV's innovation and transformation: Case study of PBS+ and Yahoo TV ), ' 5G、OTT、匯流論文集 (5G, OTT & Convergence Research), 元智大學大數據與數位匯流創新中心, pp.187-222.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C.(林翠絹)*;Liang, Z., 2020.06, 'Social media usage for TV viewing in China, ' China in the age of social media: An unprecedented force for an unprecedented social transformation, Rownman & Littlefield, pp.311-332.(*為通訊作者)
Chiang, Y.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2017.05, 'OTT 影音使用者、社群互動與數據分析 (OTT video users, social media interaction and data analytics), ' OTT TV的創新服務、經營模式與政策法規, 五南, pp.17-34.(*為通訊作者)
Chiang, Y.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2016.03, 'How to use big data in communication research methods (大數據與傳播研究方法), ' 大數據與未來傳播, 五南, pp.17-34.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Hong, A. H., 2015.08, 'Different but not that different: New media impact on young voter's political participation, ' Battle for hearts and mid: The impact of new media on Singapore general election 2011, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Publishing, pp.121-142.(*為通訊作者)
Chiang, Y.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹), 2015.01, 'Big data in communication studies: A systematic review (採用大數據探討媒體使用之學術期刊文獻分析), ' 大數據、新媒體、使用者」研討會論文集), 元智大學大數據與數位匯流創新中心, pp.355-363.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2011.03, 'Multi-skilling as a solution? Changing workflow and journalistic practise and the implications for international news, ' International News in the Digital Age: East-West perceptions of a new world order, Routledge., pp.90-109.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*;Guo, Y. T., 2022.04, 'Data innovations and digital democracy: Covid-19 technological epidemic prevention and digital governance in Taiwan, ' Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Foundation.(*為通訊作者)
Lau., J.*;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Low, M. M., 2013.05, 'Mapping digital media in Singapore: a global project of the Open Society media program, ' Open Society.(*為通訊作者)
林翠絹*, 2009.10, 'Singapore, the global test bed for emerging mobile TV. Intermedia Journal, ' Università della Svizzeraitaliana.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹)*, 2025.01, 'AI Deepfake Interaction, Authentication and Correction in Taiwan: Examining the Roles of Echo Chamber and Conspiracy Mentality, '.(*為通訊作者)
Bautista, J. R. R.;Lin, T. T. C. (林翠絹);Theng, Y. L., 2015.01, 'How and why users use social TV? A systematic review of social TV user studies, '.
林翠絹*, 2009.07, 'China’s mobile TV development after Olympics, '.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, T. C. (林翠絹)*;Davidson, E., 2007.01, 'Mediating organizational innovation: A study of implementation of digital technologies in TV news, '.(*為通訊作者)
XR科技、影音創新與賦權 (XR technologies, video innovations & empowerment)
Principal Investigator
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
Post-truth politics and public health: Dis- and misinformation crises and media challenges Workshop
Principal Investigator
Harvard Yenching Institute
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
5G科技與影音媒體創新 ( 5G technologies & audiovisual media innvotions)
Principal Investigator
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
亞洲新媒體匯流 (Asian new media convergence)
Principal Investigator
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
Data security, privacy and innovation capability in Asia (Data innovation in a smart nation: Digital health for Covid-19 epidemic prevention and digital governance for leveraging personal data in Taiwan)
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
創新影音媒體與AI數位科技 (Audiovisual industry media innovation & AI technologies)
Principal Investigator
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
數位收視調查:公視新媒體收視使用行為研究 (Digital viewership investigation: Public Television Service new media audience research)
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
iClonecast - Cloud-based service engine for multi-screen applications
新加坡MIT Smart Innovation Grant
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
Multi-screen social TV: investigating determinants of users’ attitudes, viewing behavior, and engagement
Principal Investigator
新加坡教育部MOE Tier 1 Grant
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
Location-based Services: Impacts and Implications
Principal Investigator
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
Multiscreen social TV viewer research in Singapore and Taiwan
Principal Investigator
Project Name
Subsidized / Entrusted organization
GE201X Internet election: Youth, new media & political socialization