Chiung-wen Hsu*, 2017.07, '“What should we do?” The after-action review of village heads’ information-seeking and decision-making during the unprecedented Kaohsiung Blast, ' Disaster Prevention and Management,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
許瓊文*, 2013.10, 'The emergence of “star disaster-affected areas” and its implications to disaster and communication interdisciplinary studies: A Taiwan example from Typhoon Morakot, ' Natural Hazards, Vol.69, No.1, pp.39-57.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
許瓊文*;王靜蟬;戴宜庭, 2011.07, 'The closer the relationship, the more the interaction on Facebook? Investigating the case of Taiwan users/ Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, ' Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
許瓊文*, 2007.08, 'Staging on the Internet: Research on online photo album users in Taiwan with the Spectacle/Performance Paradigm (SPP), ' CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol.10, No.4.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
許瓊文, 2006.10, 'Privacy concerns, privacy practices and web site categories: Toward a situational paradigm, ' Online Information Review, Vol.30, No.5, pp.569-586.(SSCI)
Ozanich, Gary W.;許瓊文;Han Woo Park, 2004.08, '3-G wireless auctions as an economic barrier to entry: the western european experience, ' Telematics & Informatics, Vol.21, No.3, pp.225-234.(Communication & Mass Media Complete)
許瓊文, 2003.06, 'Taking sides: Analyzing news of the US September 11 incident in the Chinese and Taiwanese press, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.13, No.1, pp.79-99.(Communication & Mass Media Complete)
許瓊文*, 2023.09, 'The neglected community power--new immigrants' disaster literacy and resilience: a communication approach, ' 2023 Cultural Typhoon, 早稻田大學.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2022.09, 'Heroine or the woman behind the successful man: the female leaders in the disaster resilience communities in Taiwan, ' 2022 Cultural Typhoon, Seijo University.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2021.02, 'Information literacy or political propaganda: Analyzing the Taiwan government's responsive strategies to COVID-19 Infodemic, ' KGRI “RISK SOCIETY AND THE MEDIA IN AN UNCERTAIN AGE” Project International Symposium, Keio University.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2020.11, 'Infodemic vs. disaster rumors: the characteristics of misinformation regarding COVID-19 and responses of it in Taiwan., ' 10th ACAS International Conference: Health, Migration, and Transitions in Asia, Ateneo De Naga University.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2019.03, 'Exploring regional influence on people’s media usage and the risk perception and preparedness: Taiwan as an example, ' KGRI “RISK SOCIETY AND THE MEDIA” Project International Symposium, Keio University.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2018.11, 'Who will prepare for the next disaster? Evidence from affected communities in The Kaohsiung Blast, ' the Joint Symposium of University of Tokyo, Seoul National University and National Cheng Chi University, NCCU.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2018.10, 'I care, I share, and I prepare? Explore the relationships between media usage and the risk perception and preparedness, ' ACMC 2018 International Conference, NCCU.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2018.05, 'More awareness more preparedness? Evidences from affected communities in The Kaohsiung Blast, ' The 4th International Conference on Continental Earthquakes, 國際地震學會.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2017.07, 'Finding an effective model for disaster risk reduction in community from the experiences of Japan and Taiwan: Local knowledge, community leader and outreach, ' 2017 Cultural Typhoon, Waseda University.(*為通訊作者)
Chiung-wen Hsu*, 2016.11, 'The apps and web services in disaster management: The comparative study between Taiwan and Japan, ' 2016 ITS Biennial Conference, NCCU.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2015.06, 'The invisible conflicts among affected residents in the recovery after the 2014 Kaohsiung Blast., ' 2015 Cultural Typhoon, 関西学院大学.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2014.11, 'How communication research contributes to disaster management: Toward an interdisciplinary study., ' 2014 IDRiM conference, Western University.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2013.10, 'Media as an actor, not tools: How media facilitate disaster management, ' The 9th APRU Research Symposium on Multi-Hazards around the Pacific Rim, National Taiwan University.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*;鍾佩君, 2012.11, 'To Vlog or Not to Vlog? An Exploratory study of Taiwan YouTubers’ privacy management, ' ITS 2012 Bangkok, International Telecommunications Association.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2011.07, 'How communication study contribute to disaster research and practices, ' ITS 2011 Taipei, International Telecommunications Association.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文*, 2010, 'The More Intimacy; the More Interaction on Social Networking Sites? Take Taiwan Facebook Users as an Example, ' International Telecommunications Sociaty Biannual Conference.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
許瓊文*, 2009, 'The role of the Internet on Taiwan’s civil movements: its contributions and side effects, '.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
許瓊文*, 2009, 'The role of the Internet on Taiwan’s civil movements: its contributions and side effects, ' IAMCR 2009.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
許瓊文, 2008.06, 'What Chinese bloggers blog - examining the top 100 weblogs in China, ' Sixth Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. 參考連結
許瓊文, 2008, 'Deontology or teleology? An ethical analysis of first-person-account journalists'' moral reasoning of victim coverage, ' IAMCR 2008 Annual Conference.
許瓊文*;Lin Jia, 2008, 'The weblogs talk —examining the top 100 weblogs in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China through computer-aided content analysis and network analysis, ' IAMCR 2008.(*為通訊作者)
許瓊文, 2007.05, 'Staging on the Internet: Research on online photo album users in Taiwan with the Spectacle/Performance Paradigm (SPP), ' ICA 2007 Annual Conference, International Communication Association. 參考連結
許瓊文, 2007, 'Privacy or performance matters on the Internet: Revisiting privacy toward a situational paradigm?, ' 中正大學第三屆數位傳播國際研討會. 參考連結
許瓊文, 2006.09, 'Uses and gratification or addiction: Research on online photo album users in Taiwan, ' AoIR Conference 7.0, Association of Internet Researchers. 參考連結
許瓊文, 2005.07, 'Privacy Concerns/Practices and web site category: Toward the situational paradigm, ' 2005 Annual Conference, International Association for Media & Communication Research.
許瓊文, 2005.07, 'Diffused audiences on the Internet: Take online photo album users as example, ' 2005 Annual Conference, International Association for Media & Communication Research.
許瓊文, 2004.05, 'Possibility and impossibility to global online privacy: A cross-country examination, ' 2004 Annual Conference, International Communication Association.
許瓊文, 2002.10, 'Examining the determinants of who is hyperlinked to whom, ' 3.0 Annual Conference, Association of Internet Researchers.
許瓊文, 2002.08, 'Newspaper framing of the “Attack on America”: An international comparison, ' 2002 Annual Conference, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
許瓊文, 2002.07, '3-G wireless auctions: A barrier to new services for local communication, ' 2002 Annual Conference, International Association for Media & Communication Research.
許瓊文, 2002.07, 'Online privacy issues: Comparison between net users’ concerns and web sites’ privacy statements, ' 2002 Annual Conference, International Communication Association.
許瓊文, 2002.07, ' The Study of SNG (Satellite News Gathering) influences on Taiwan’s television news production processes and content, ' 2002 Annual Conference, International Communication Association.
許瓊文, 2002, 'Taking Sides: Analyzing the U.S. September 11 incident news in China and Taiwan Press, ' What’s News Symposium, Syracuse University.
"Hsu, C. W.", 2001.10, 'An identification of online privacy issues - Content analysis of top 500 websites., ' the Second International Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers.(不明)
"Hsu, C. W.", 2003, '"A Cross-Country Examination of Online Privacy Issues: From an Adversarial Paradigm toward a Situational Paradigm--A Comparison of Regulations, Net Users’ Concerns and Practices, and Web Sites’ Privacy Statements in China, the Netherlands, ' Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis..
許瓊文*;唐允中, 2023.01, 'Information literacy or political propaganda: Analyzing the Taiwan government’s responsive strategies to COVID-19 Infodemic, ' The COVID-19 Pandemic and Risks in East Asia: Media, Social Reactions, and Theories, Routledge, pp.41-61.(*為通訊作者)